Over the years, I’ve asked people how they envision the music studio. I’ll often get similar responses: “It’s fun,” “It’s Hollywood,” “It’s a place that breeds and bleeds creativity,” “ It’s a giant room filled with mystical knobs and buttons whose functionality may only be to serve as aesthetics,” and “It’s glamorous.” While all of this is true at times, I have one word that sums up the studio perfectly: Process. It’s a long, fun, and challenging process. What happens in-between that first melody I sing in the shower and that fresh pressed shiny new recording is a freakin’ process, but an incredibly rewarding one. I’m proud to present my new Album A Comfortable Distance, which is the end product of this process. My throat may be a little sore and my brain may be a little raw, but I’m proud and beyond happy with how everything turned out. Enjoy!
Black Label Cutthroat
Kill Shot Antidote
Airbrushed Attraction
Chemical Dependency