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The Album Is Finally Out!

 June 10th, 2015        Blog Posts  

Over the years, I’ve asked people how they envision the music studio. I’ll often get similar responses: “It’s fun,” “It’s Hollywood,” “It’s a place that breeds and bleeds creativity,” “ It’s a giant room filled with mystical knobs and buttons whose functionality may only be to serve as aesthetics,” and “It’s glamorous.” While all of this is true at times, I have one word that sums up the studio perfectly: Process. It’s a long, fun, and challenging process. What happens in-between that first melody I sing in the shower and that fresh pressed shiny new recording is a freakin’ process, but an incredibly rewarding one. I’m proud to present my new Album A Comfortable Distance, which is the end product of this process. My throat may be a little sore and my brain may be a little raw, but I’m proud and beyond happy with how everything turned out. Enjoy!


Wear your matching sneakers babe.

 May 2nd, 2015        Blog Posts  

Black Label Cutthroat
Kill Shot Antidote
Airbrushed Attraction
Chemical Dependency